Elite Business Women


Fondata de Bianca Tudor, ELITE Business Women este prima organizație din România dedicată femeilor antreprenor care și-a propus să creeze mai mult decât o comunitate de business, un spațiu care facilitatează împărtășirea de experiență și dezvoltarea afacerilor, prin crearea unei rețele axate pe performanță și profitabilitate. ELITE creează în acest sens un spațiu de conectare și învățare, prin cursuri și evenimente axate pe teme de business și prin evenimente de networking dedicate.

Astfel, evenimentele lunare de business, ELITE BUSINESS Club, vin ca o completare naturală a activităților initiate de către Elite, contribuind la inițierea și cresterea conexiunilor din cadrul comunității, cât și la cresterea cunostințelor și abilităților membrelor și a tuturor celor care participă.
Antreprenori Anonimi este partener al Elite Business Club, deoarece promovam impreuna valorile pozitive ale antreprenoriatului, indiferent de varsta, sex sau locatie.

They Have Succeeded London


Because of the succes with over 1300 romanian female entrepreneur, the conference

”They Have Succeeded” will cross the country borders, second time this autumn, after Lisbon,  to promote female entrereneurship in London.

This international event is organised by ELITE Business Women together with the Romanian Embassy in London,  Romanian Cultural Insitute in London and Enterprise Lab UK, Garajul de PR,  and will take place on the 22 of October 2016.This international event aims to bring together entrepreneurs from all over UK, to introduce succesful business models initiated by women and to show the benefits of diversity and exchange of know-how between men and women entrepreneur.

The international conference „They Have Succeded” will take place in Portugal, Lisbon, in 28 of September, also. In Romania, the national campaign, took place 6 cities: Bucharest, Constanta, Cluj-Napoca, Rimnicu Vilcea, Brasov and Iasi and brought together over 1300 women entrepreneur, 70 speakers and mentors and over 120 partners.

„They Have Succeeded”, is an unwritten guide for female entrepreneurship that is made to inspire at an international level and to send a positive message: „Yes, we can do it”! This idea came from the need of having and promoting more models of female entrepreneurs, of knowing their succes, their way of dealing with challenges and the  motivation of this women.  Women  are more and more important for the world market, not just as workers or consumers, but also as entrepreneurs, managers and investors.

The national campaign „They Have Succeded” is a stunt that brings together not just dozens of women speakers, but hundreds of ladies entrepreneur that are NOT VIP, that don’t have any media invented stories, but they just succeeded through hard work and ambition, said Bianca Tudor, president of  ELITE Business Women.

Take the opportunity and Book your ticket here http://elitewomen.org/ele-au-reusit-2/?lang=enor here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/they-have-succeeded-london-tickets-27772088063
